here is a boke called INTERNASHERNAL SOSHERLISM it is a boke about POLLERTICS which is what TONY BLIAR does for a living but he lernt his pollertics off a snail at infant playtime
for this boke i hav put my reeding glarses on so as to appere ERYOODITE and INTERLECHUAL like BRIAN SEWELL who looks like TONY HART made from twiglets
hopfuly this will be interesting but who can tell
this pose is called PONDERUS it was invented by VITROOVIAN MAN when he wasnt flashing his bits at sepia ladies on parchmernt
here i am pondering the ins and outs of internashernal sosherlism it apperes that it is mostly to do with KEN LIVINGSTERN SEAGULL the birdman of london
everything in sosherlism is red thats the colour of sosherlism here is a joke
q whats red and invisiberl
a no sosherlists
right now we get to the meat and the profe of the meat is in the meating or something
when ive read this i will send it to RICHERD MADELEY the muddleheaded playboy of DAYTIME TEEVEE
i will atach a POSTIT NOTE saying dere richerd this is a real mans boke not like the BUNTY cos there are no 50s scholgirls swotting
thatll teach him to say GET OUT YOU DIRTY OLD BIDDIES to UNA STUBBS its in chapter fore
this is becoming too much for me praps my brane is too small
i am going to look at the pichers on the cover insted
the picher on the cover is an abstract impreshunist rendering of wax legend ARTIE FUFKIN holding a broom with the werds JOUSTING FOR BUOYS writen on it
my eyes are tired and i only have two
gosh its made me fall asleep
the last boke that made me fall asleep was the DA VINSHY COD an that was only cos of its CRUSHING AWFULNESS praps i am a narkerleptic like WAYNE SLEEP the sopperific dancing midget
next week i spect it will be a boke but not BORJES i dont know who that is unless its the things you get on canals in IRELAND home of GAVRIL O'PRINCHEEP the babyfaced asasin
three out of five for this pile of mustard
I think I might love you x
Are you busy reading Against The Day? It's defeated me too.
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